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네셔널지오그래픽 오늘의 사진 모음 2020.07

JUNE 6, 2020 GOING HOME Migrants return home to Niger after trying to find work in Libya. Their home country is one of the poorest in Africa, but those who try to find work elsewhere are often faced with significant xenophobia. JUNE 8, 2020 BLUE SCHOOL A school of blue maomao swim over a bed of kelp in the Poor Knights Islands, New Zealand. Once overfished, the area is now a protected marine reserve. JUNE 9, 2020 FAMILY COMMUTE When this photo was published in the March 1980 issue, this Chinese family was working on a state-owned farm in the far western regions of China. The goal of these programs was to grow the Chinese population along the border with the Soviet Union. JUNE 19, 2020 PENGUIN PARADISE Chinstrap penguins rest atop a blue iceberg in the South Sandwich Islands. The islands are hard to get to, but photographer Maria Stenzel describes them as "spooky and spiritual and immensely powerful." CITY FIREWORKS A couple watches a Fourth o...

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가상 호스팅 설정을 통해 여러개의 도메인을 생성할 수 있어요. :) 물론 이렇게해서 홈페이지도 제작 가능해요. 그럼.. 서비스도 빌더업 시킬 수 있지 않을까요? ㅎㅎㅎ

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